Reflections for all

June 14, 2013 Rev. Clair Reflections for all

Greetings from our mountain! And welcome to our new web site.  I have decided to call this category, “Reflections for all” since I have had comments that I was leaving out a part of our humanity.  From now on anyone who wants to is invited to share in these thoughts and musings.

I have just returned from a very special pilgrimage to Iona, a wee island off Scotland where St. Columba once landed and spent many months, where vikings slaughtered the Celt monks on its shores, where St. Patrick visited, and where many pilgrims from all over the world come for rest and peace, for time out to seek God’s Presence and Will in their lives.  One of the special parts of the day is to take part in the Abbey times of worship.  The Iona Community has created very inclusive and thoughtful services which enhance the pilgrim throughout the day.  We are invited to “continue to worship” whether it is morning or evening since the experience is that we worship God no matter what we are doing or where we are.  This may remind you of Brother Lawrence.

June is at the midpoint of its cycle.  I invite you to “continue to worship”, to practice living in the presence of God where ever you find yourself: at home, at work, on holiday, washing dishes, walking in the woods, shopping, driving the car, working in the garden, resting, doing exercise, preparing a meal, visiting a friend, etc. Try to make it a habit.  You will see how your life changes, how your perspective changes, how much more aware you are of all that is.

I am praying for you,


And thanks for connecting with me once more!

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